Kompong Preah

Siem Reap

  • Angkor Temples

Kompong Preah

There are few historical data about Preah Khan Kompong Svay. French scholars argued it had been founded in the 11th century, probably by Suryavarman I. It was a royal residence during the kingdom of Suryavarman II and even Jayavarman VII lived here, before recapturing the capital city of Yasodharapura from invading Chams in 1181, and improved the complex.

The archeological complex of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay also known as Prasat Bakan (according to local pronunciation) or Bakan Svay Rolay, is located 100 km east of Angkor, in Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. It stands as the largest single religious complex ever built during Angkorian Era, as its exterior enclosure is over 22 km square,[1] even if the isolated location makes it one of the less-visited Angkorian sites.

Temple / Site Highlights

  • Buddhist


  • 9th Century

    9th Century

  • King Jayavarman II

    King Jayavarman II

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